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Shortage of Airplane Parts Causes More Supply Chain Disruptions | Red Arrow Logistics
The last two years have been all about shortages—from basic goods like toilet paper and cream cheese to chips for cars and now airplane parts. Airlines are having difficulties finding engines and other parts to fix planes that require maintenance. This is leading to more flight delays and cancellations, making it challenging for carriers to […]
Inbound Air Freight Remains Tight | Red Arrow Logistics
It’s no surprise that air freight capacity is tight at this time of year, yet now more than ever air freight is needed to keep supply chains moving along. With rising demand and fewer passenger flights as compared to pre-COVID days, there is simply less available air freight capacity. In addition, airports that are using […]
Shippers Look to Air Cargo as an Alternative to Ocean Freight | Red Arrow Logistics
For several months, the industry has been talking about the increased demand for imports, tightening capacity for container shipping, and driving up the cost to ship via ocean containers. In addition, the backlog in receiving goods at certain U.S. ports has meant disruption along the supply chain. The surge in imports is far from over, […]
Peak Season for International Airfreight Shipping is Here | Red Arrow Logistics
The peak season for international air freight has arrived.  Every year, the airlines look forward to the end-of-the-year peak season to generate more revenue by carrying additional freight. The supply and demand balance shifts more toward carriers as demand peaks for cargo and space. This year, however, it comes with even higher costs for buyers. […]
Volatility in the Air Freight and Ocean Cargo Industries | Red Arrow Logistics
Demand, which has been volatile and unpredictable, has led to pressure on the logistics industry and made it difficult to predict where volume would be needed. No one in the logistics industry could have predicted the disruptions that would occur to the global supply chain and network in the first half of this year.  These […]
The Cargo Congestion Challenge in the U.S. | Red Arrow Logistics
Congestion was already an issue for some U.S. airports, and COVID-19 virus has made some of these problems even worse.  While international passenger terminals stay empty of passengers, there is a backlog of cargo.  The increase in medical supplies because of the global pandemic as well as an uptick in e-commerce order from homebound consumers […]
Freight Life Post COVID-19 | Red Arrow Logistics
The COVID-19 virus outbreak has affected every industry in the United States to some degree.  At some point, hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, the freight industry will return to a variation of normalcy.  However, the industry after COVID-19 might look quite different than before.  Here are the ways the major shipping modes could be affected […]
Tips for Lowering Freight Shipping Costs for Your Business | Red Arrow Logistics
One of the best ways to provide an excellent experience for your customers is to offer convenient and affordable shipping.  Freight costs are one of, if not the largest logistics costs in the supply chain.  In 2017, companies in the United States spent $1.49 trillion in shipping costs.  With continued challenges faced by the transportation […]
Aerospace Air Cargo Trends in 2020 | Red Arrow Logistics
The global Aerospace air cargo market experienced a downturn in 2019, leaving many to wonder what will occur in 2020.  Political and economic changes that are beginning to take place might allow the market to rebound somewhat.  However, there are several trends that we can expect to see continue in 2020.  Current Situation of Aerospace […]
Last year saw an extraordinary rate of growth for air cargo. No one expected 2019 to replicate that level of demand. Still, even with mild expectations, the global air freight market has been strikingly weak in the first half of 2019. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) previously forecast an average annual growth rate of […]