For several months, the industry has been talking about the increased demand for imports, tightening capacity for container shipping, and driving up the cost to ship via ocean containers. In addition, the backlog in receiving goods at certain U.S. ports has meant disruption along the supply chain. The surge in imports is far from over, […]
Global trade was at an all-time high in 2020 because the COVID-19 pandemic meant more consumers were spending money on online purchases as they were home more. Usually, demand falls drastically around Chinese New Year, however this year, that has not occurred. Ongoing travel restrictions have meant that air freight has been tight, leaving more […]
Climate change is a global issue that affects the shipping and transportation industry. The shipping industry is faced with a daunting challenge: to be able to comply with the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) emissions reduction by at least 50% by 2050. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) within the industry would have a significant impact on […]
Supply chain visibility is essential to a business’s success, especially in today’s volatile and unpredictable market. The benefits of supply chain visibility are numerous. One of the most important benefits is that supply chain visibility affects risk management as every item is tracked along the supply chain. Another benefit is that the technology used provides […]
The difference between this time last year and this year in the container market is like night and day. A year ago, routes were being cancelled because of soft volumes as well as the industry coping with the new emissions standards that require low-sulfur fuels or that ships install exhaust-cleaning systems. As compared to last […]
Last year was an extremely tumultuous year for many industries, including trucking. Although the COVID-19 pandemic affected much of the year, e-commerce has reached an all-time high. The trucking industry is expected to recover throughout 2021. According to FTR Transportation Intelligence, truck freight will increase by 6 percent in 2021. Rebound from COVID-19 Pandemic The […]
The year 2020 brought its share of ups and downs within the logistics and transportation industry. With most of us in the industry eager to say ‘sayonara’ to 2020, it is time to look forward to what we can expect in the upcoming year. In order to be successful, logistics and transportation companies will need […]
When compared to other methods of transportation, marine shipping is one of the most energy-efficient ways to move cargo. That is not to say, however, that marine shipping does not produce its share of pollution. In fact, the drastic increase in container shipping in the latter half of 2020 has meant the use of dirty […]
Operation Warp Speed, the program put together by the United States government, has fast-tracked the approval of the COVID-19 vaccine. This means that some Americans can start to be vaccinated at the end of this month. But getting the COVID-19 vaccine distributed to the entire country will present a unique logistics challenge, especially as the […]
No respite yet for trans-Pacific container-shipping demand frenzy “The ships are 100% full. The containers are 100% full. You can’t get a container built. You can’t pick up a ship from the spot market. The whole container-shipping cycle is at absolutely full pulse,” exclaimed Jeremy Nixon, CEO of Ocean Network Express (ONE), the world’s sixth-largest container […]