logistics technology Archives - Page 2 of 2 - Red Arrow Logistics Transportation and Freight Forwarding
Container slots sell out, risking holiday ‘shipageddon’ | Red Arrow Logistics
No respite yet for trans-Pacific container-shipping demand frenzy “The ships are 100% full. The containers are 100% full. You can’t get a container built. You can’t pick up a ship from the spot market. The whole container-shipping cycle is at absolutely full pulse,” exclaimed Jeremy Nixon, CEO of Ocean Network Express (ONE), the world’s sixth-largest container […]
Meeting the Last-Mile Delivery Demands | Red Arrow Logistics
The discussion on how to improve last-mile delivery is one that has been tossed around for the last several years among retailers, logistics providers, and transportation drivers. The last mile of the delivery process, which is the leg from the warehouse to the final destination is usually the hardest and most expensive part of the […]
Improving Your Reverse Logistics Strategy | Red Arrow Logistics
Most businesses have to deal with returns on some level.  For an item that was purchased online, however, the chance of return is higher since the customer has not been able to see or try the product beforehand.  As much as 30% of products ordered online are returned.  As e-commerce grows, so does the need […]
Disadvantages of Using Apps or SaaS for your Supply Chain | Red Arrow Logistics
Technology plays a vital role in the supply chain. Digitization has created a more efficient supply chain by allowing logistics managers to make more informed decisions. However, this is not to say that there are no disadvantages on relying too heavily on technology in the supply chain. Why Technology is Needed In a survey conducted […]
It’s easy to paint stories about port automation as black-and-white, heroes-and-villains struggles, although which side is the hero and which is the villain is largely in the eye of the beholder. Depending on your perspective, you might side with labor unions fighting to preserve jobs, or you might side with port operators, who present automation […]