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News and Insights

In a world in which every new technological breakthrough is hailed as the next big thing, the phrase “5G revolution” might sound like just more overblown hype. Yet 5G networks have the potential to usher in a new era in logistics and supply chain management, enabling everything from driverless vehicles to total cargo visibility. With […]
After a winter marked by tight capacity and high rates across the U.S. freight market, spring is bringing a respite for shippers across several areas. While no one factor is entirely responsible for this shift, one clear cause that supply chains are slowing down, now that the race to stockpile inventory ahead of the Chinese […]
In March, Italy became the first G7 country to formally join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The deal, confirmed during a visit by Chinese President Xi Jinping laid the groundwork for a preliminary $2.8 billion in Chinese investments in Italian projects, including  infrastructure improvements at Italian ports in Trieste, Genoa, and Palermo. The announcement […]
After years of one-upmanship, ocean shipping’s appetite for bigger and bigger mega-ships may have finally reached its peak. At least, that’s the message from some of the world’s biggest carriers, though others continue to place orders for these giants of the sea. While shipping lines contemplate an end to the arms race, shippers, logistics professionals, […]
It’s easy to paint stories about port automation as black-and-white, heroes-and-villains struggles, although which side is the hero and which is the villain is largely in the eye of the beholder. Depending on your perspective, you might side with labor unions fighting to preserve jobs, or you might side with port operators, who present automation […]
In the wake of the Ethiopian Airlines crash that left 157 people dead, leaders around the world are questioning whether regulators are doing enough to prevent these tragedies. Aviation safety is a critical issue, not just for passengers’ peace of mind, but to a global economy that relies on confidence in the people who build, […]
In 2018, the United States’ trade deficit in goods climbed to an historic high of $891.3 billion, up from $807.5 billion in 2017. During this time, the merchandise deficits with China, Mexico, and the EU all hit record highs, and total containerized exports dropped 0.2 percent. (The overall deficit is $621 billion, offset by the […]
Every time Amazon sets its sights on a new industry to disrupt, the response from that industry’s old guard is the same: it can’t happen to us. Everyone thinks theirs is the business that is too complex for Jeff Bezos and company to disrupt, and yet with every passing year, Amazon expands its reach. From […]
When longtime LTL titan New England Motor Freight (NEMF) announced it was filing for bankruptcy in February, the news was greeted with shock, sadness, and plenty of blame. For its part, NEMF largely blamed its employees’ union for refusing to make contract concessions. Many industry observers blamed NEMF’s biggest customers, especially Amazon, for forcing the […]